2019. 8. 16. 16:50ㆍunity/unity script
in Unity serving two view mode game view and scene view
Sceneview is can possibly that control viewport as panning rotate zoom
but Gameview is only offered captured scene by camera
usually, look at Scene view when artist crafting art asset(effect, prefab..)
but some times needs to look at Gameview on working for a perfect match on gameplay
on this situation we need some controllable Gameview
that is very easy during gameplay, just manipulate camera's 'transform' from input key action
but on editor mode situation,
designers need control able Gameview for their work
this script offered some camera moving action for game view
drag mouse on Gameview with pushing shift key is zoom action, also dragging with control key is panning action
no more need this action
select prefab
need view change
select camera
move transform
select effect prefab
need view change
select camera..
you just dragging on game view with correct key
////////////////////////////////////////// code explane update later!!
we will think about how controll viewport
it's simple, zoom is using ortho size, panning is moving positions
point is how to make it working at editormode?\
we find that answer at unity3d event category
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Collections;
public class cameraControlTest : MonoBehaviour
public Vector3 FMousePosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
public Vector3 CMousePosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
public Vector3 FMousePosition2 = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
public Vector3 CMousePosition2 = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
private float range = 0.0f;
public Vector3 movevector = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
public float panspeed = 1.0f;
private float vectorx = 0.0f;
private float vectorx2 = 0.0f;
public float wheelscale = 0.0f;
//> vector3 variables are for calculating mouse dragging distance
The reason why all variables are public is that they are under development
also this script is excluded on build version
any variables are not necessary to be 'public'
void OnGUI()
Event e = Event.current;
range = range + Time.deltaTime;
if (e.control) //if (e.button == 1)
//>check pushing 'control key'
(e.control = event.current.control )is checking keyboard event
some key has no reactions, that is don't know why is, so found a workable key of keyboard
//---- 마우스 우클릭을 제외한 다른 클릭에대한 오류가 있음(좌클릭은 모든 클릭에 반영
if (e.button == 1) //if (e.control)
//>under blocks code line is calculated when pushing 'controlkey' and pushing mouse button 1(right button)
if (range > 0.1f)
CMousePosition = e.mousePosition;
float vectorx = FMousePosition.x;
if (vectorx != 0)
{ }
FMousePosition = e.mousePosition;
range = 0.0f;
movevector = new Vector3((CMousePosition - FMousePosition).x, 0f, (CMousePosition - FMousePosition).y);
gameObject.transform.localPosition = gameObject.transform.position + movevector * (panspeed*0.001f);
//>all conditions are true is calculate mouse dragging distance and that append to the camera position
FMousePosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);//마우스 버튼을 떼면 처음 위치는 초기화
FMousePosition2 = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);//마우스 버튼을 떼면 처음 위치는 초기화
//>this block is reset function
position variables are applied zero when leaving the mouse button
//> this block is exactly the same as above
//> The difference is that check the shift button
else if (e.shift)
//---- 마우스 우클릭을 제외한 다른 클릭에대한 오류가 있음(좌클릭은 모든 클릭에 반영
if (e.button == 1) //if (e.control)
if (range > 0.1f)
CMousePosition2 = e.mousePosition;
float vectorx2 = FMousePosition2.x;
if (vectorx2 != 0)
{ }
FMousePosition2 = e.mousePosition;
range = 0.0f;
wheelscale = (CMousePosition2 - FMousePosition2).y;
Camera cam = gameObject.GetComponent();
cam.orthographicSize = cam.orthographicSize + wheelscale * (panspeed * 0.001f);
FMousePosition2 = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);//마우스 버튼을 떼면 처음 위치는 초기화
actually part of the calculation is very easy even not to explain
we need are how to make it on editor mode
////////////////////////////////////////// full code
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Collections;
public class cameraControlTest : MonoBehaviour
public Vector3 FMousePosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
public Vector3 CMousePosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
public Vector3 FMousePosition2 = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
public Vector3 CMousePosition2 = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
private float range = 0.0f;
public Vector3 movevector = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
public float panspeed = 1.0f;
private float vectorx = 0.0f;
private float vectorx2 = 0.0f;
public float wheelscale = 0.0f;
void OnGUI()
Event e = Event.current;
range = range + Time.deltaTime;
if (e.control) //if (e.button == 1)
//---- 마우스 우클릭을 제외한 다른 클릭에대한 오류가 있음(좌클릭은 모든 클릭에 반영
if (e.button == 1) //if (e.control)
if (range > 0.1f)
CMousePosition = e.mousePosition;
float vectorx = FMousePosition.x;
if (vectorx != 0)
FMousePosition = e.mousePosition;
range = 0.0f;
movevector = new Vector3((CMousePosition - FMousePosition).x, 0f, (CMousePosition - FMousePosition).y);
gameObject.transform.localPosition = gameObject.transform.position + movevector * (panspeed*0.001f);
FMousePosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);//마우스 버튼을 떼면 처음 위치는 초기화
FMousePosition2 = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);//마우스 버튼을 떼면 처음 위치는 초기화
else if (e.shift)
//---- 마우스 우클릭을 제외한 다른 클릭에대한 오류가 있음(좌클릭은 모든 클릭에 반영
if (e.button == 1) //if (e.control)
if (range > 0.1f)
CMousePosition2 = e.mousePosition;
float vectorx2 = FMousePosition2.x;
if (vectorx2 != 0)
FMousePosition2 = e.mousePosition;
range = 0.0f;
wheelscale = (CMousePosition2 - FMousePosition2).y;
Camera cam = gameObject.GetComponent();
cam.orthographicSize = cam.orthographicSize + wheelscale * (panspeed * 0.001f);
FMousePosition2 = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);//마우스 버튼을 떼면 처음 위치는 초기화